Friday, February 23, 2007

Rheumatoid Arthritis or Just Arthritis in General?

Patient after patient with Rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis or or syndromeXblah arthritis all have one thing in common: They hurt. They are in pain. They typically only go one direction: worse. The meds they are on may help temporarily relieve pain and stiffness. Then after that they are put on more severe drugs - such as methotrexate which is horrific.
Steroids are far from the answer and may cause a severe joint problem called avascular necrosis - even after one dose. This is documented.

So what the hell is one supposed to do then for rheumatoid arthritis or other arthritis conditions.
One thing. Find what is causing the inflammation. Is it food? Is it overeating? Is it heavy metal toxicities? Is it a nutrient imbalance? Is it leaky gut or intestinal permeability? Is it stress?

Accorindg to Dr Goldberg who authored the following paragraph:

"What is the single most important dietetic factor in causing Rheumatic Disease?There are multiple dietary factors that may be responsible, and they will differ greatly from person to person. If I had to pick one single factor, it would be the usage of refined carbohydrates and overeating. An excess of even natural carbohydrates can be a potent contributing factor in some people. Food allergies are also a contributing factor in many patients. Some patients have eaten so much in the way of refined carbohydrate or excess carbohydrate overall over a number of years that they have thrown off their insulin/glucagon balance leading to an imbalance of eicosanoids with resulting lowered immunity and increased inflammatory responses."

An attempt to translate what Dr Golberg said:
  • Sugar is inflammatory -> thus sugar causes inflammation.
  • Inflammation may cause intestinal permeability -> intestinal permeability may develop numerous food allergens.
  • Daily intake of food allergens cause further long term inflammation
  • Long term inflammation may initiate autoimmune disease as the immune system is hyperactive.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.
  • Remove food allergens.
  • Restore intestinal health.
  • These reduce inflammation.
  • Reduced inflammation leads to a quiet immune system.
  • Quiet immune system leads to dormancy of autoimmune disease.Simple isn't it? The concept is. Changing your lifestyle is not. However, if you were committed to it and followed through with it, your life may change significantly.

I find his website useful and he may prove useful to some patients.
See what you think: The Goldberg Clinic: Chronic Disease Reversal


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