Thursday, December 29, 2005

Warning Signs of an Asthma Attack

If your child is coughing, wheezing or having trouble breathing, it could mean an asthma attack.

Here's a list of asthma's telltale signs, courtesy of the American Academy of Pediatrics:

Breathing is difficult and faster than usual.

Complaints of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.

Speaking is affected because of the difficulty breathing.

Skin color is pale.

Level of awareness has decreased.

Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs is necessary to breathe.

If your child has these signs and asthma medication can't control them, seek medical help at once.

Remember, live longer, healthier and happier.

Live 100 years!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Flu - What you should eat when you have it

While foods and their valuable nutrients may not prevent you from catching the flu, they can, nonetheless, help to build your immune system and facilitate the alleviation of symptoms caused by the flu. Vitamin C is also full of antiviral potential, and foods high in vitamin C, as well as those high in beta-carotene, help to fortify your body's immune defense system. Vitamin C is also a natural antihistamine and can help to block the effect of inflammatory substances produced by the body, thereby reducing discomfort from congestion. If you do come down with the flu, you should still try to consume foods high in these vitamins and minerals as they can work to diminish the severity and duration of symptoms. If you are suffering from congestion, foods that contain garlic and capsaicin can help to open up bronchial passages.

What You Should Eat & Why

Garlic acts as a "mucokinetic" agent, alleviating congestion commonly experienced during the flu. Garlic may also prevent bacteria from invading tissues.
Leading Food Sources of garlic: Garlic

vitamin C
Vitamin C is a well-known immunity booster. If taken at the first signs of the flu, it may keep it from fully developing and produce a faster recovery. Taking vitamin C doesn't prevent flu, however.
Leading Food Sources of vitamin C: Cabbage, red, Strawberries, Oranges, Tangerines & other mandarins, Peppers, bell, red, Kiwi fruit, Potatoes

Remember, live longer, healthier and happier.

Live 100!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Getting ready for the allergy season

Why are some individuals more prone to allergies than others? Genetics? Maybe.

Here may be the clear answer: Hyperactive immune function, weak cell membranes, poor water intake and obstructed airways cause individuals to be overly sensitive to the environment.
If these four issues are addressed, drugstore runs can be diminished.
Let’s look at these issues:
  • Hyperactive immune function: Stress plays a big role in immune function. Stress signals the adrenal glands to release cortisol which temporarily shuts down immune function. Over time, the adrenal glands become fatigued and cannot supply enough cortisol. Low cortisol levels cannot keep immune function in balance anymore. This causes numerous sensitivities with pollen being one.

Finding stress relieving activities and rebuilding the adrenal glands helps restore balance to immune function.
  • Weak cell membranes: Foods can be inflammatory. If so, they cause cell membranes to be weaker and easier to break. Weaker cell membranes then release histamine causing undesirable symptoms. Ingesting foods which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, like cold water fish, stabilize cell membranes. The typical American diet consumes a high ratio of inflammatory causing omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-6 fatty acids are found in grains and grain-fed animals. Consuming more cold-water fish, reducing meats and grains and supplementing with EPA/DHA (derived from cold water fish) helps stabilize cell membranes. Unfortunatly we need to be aware of mercury in fish.
  • Poor water intake: If the blood is thick and concentrated with chemicals, hormones and proteins, inflammation is more likely to occur. If histamine is more concentrated in the blood, inflammation occurs readily as histamine is more likely to bind to a receptor.

The easiest and least expensive way to reduce histamine concentration is to drink pure filtered water. Water will penetrate the cells, enter the blood and dilute the solute concentration, giving histamine less chance to bind to a receptor. Water is an anti-histamine. Drink a minimum of 8-10 cups filtered water daily. Do not drink chlorinated water. Chlorinated water increases the solute concentration and destroys cell membranes.
  • Obstructed airways: Obstructed nasal passages are a perfect habitat for bacteria and viruses. Why? The immune system cannot wade past thick mucous to consume bacteria and viruses. Allergies trigger sinus infections routinely from this basic principle.

Maintain an open airway by reducing histamine levels as described above and by nasal irrigation. Nasal irrigation uses a neti pot filled with warm filtered water and a pinch of non-iodized salt. Water flows into a nostril, then into the opposite sinus and out the opposite nostril. This procedure removes mucus and pollen from the immediate airway reducing the chance of a sinus infection and allergic attack. For the new user this can be awkward, but it gets easy with practice. Neti pot nasal irrigation is done as needed – one to three times daily. If a neti pot is not handy, snort non-iodized salt water into one nostril, tilt the head and have the water run out the opposite nostril. Blow with both nostrils open. Never blow with only one nostril open as this forces mucus and bacteria deeper into the opposite sinus.

Prepare early and prepare now. To prevent or reduce allergies, one must begin this protocol as soon as possible. It takes time to rebuild cell membranes: supply adrenals with proper nutrition and learn nasal irrigation. In about four weeks time, cell membranes and adrenals will improve. During this time, nasal irrigation should be underway keeping the nasal passages clear of pollen and other allergens.

Enjoy a trouble-free spring – year after year! Tell your friends about this simple protocol as well. They will thank you.

Remember, live longer, healthier and happier.

Live 100!

Friday, December 23, 2005

The 12 Most Pesticide-Ridden Vegetables and Fruits

When we buy organic produce it usually means it is free from boogers and by all means, it best be free from pesticides. However, our wallets feel stress when we buy organic produce. Demand has gone up for organic products though. Which of the non-organic veggies and fruits are the safest to eat? A watermelon looks tough - it has a big thick skin. A juicy thin-skinned peach must be really tasty to bugs so the growers must spray the heck out of it. This rationale obviously is not fool-proof. So which are the most toxic? This information is gathered from Food News and they gathered the information from the Environmental Working Group.

Most Popular Fruits and Vegetables with highest pesticides are:

  • Apples
  • Bell Peppers
  • Celery
  • Cherries
  • Grapes (imported)
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Potatoes
  • Red Raspberries
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries

So the rationale of thin-skinned produce was not all bad. So what to do? Not eat these sprayed fruits and veggies? Pretty much. Definitely do not feed them to your children. The body mass of a child is much less than a fully grown adult. Thus, it does not take many non-organic strawberries to inflict potential harm on a little one. The best method is to buy these twelve organically. If you cannot, then wash them with the pesticide-removing soaps they sell in good stores. There will still be poisons harbored in the produce but diminished at least. You can also peel apples and other produce with skins but then you lose nutrients along with some pesticides. So you may as well then go eat some plastic as it is toxic and has no nutrient value. Organic is the best bet.
Spend your tight dollars on buying these twelve fruits and vegetables organically - or keep them away from your kids.
Now that you've purchased expensive organic strawberries, what are the safest non-organic fruits and vegetables?
Most Popular Fruits and Vegetables with lowest pesticides:

  • Asparagus
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn (sweet)
  • Kiwis
  • Onions
  • Mangoes
  • Papaya
  • Pineapples
  • Peas (sweet)

To save you writing all this down, you can download the FoodNews Wallet Guide. [Adobe file] Cut out the guide and stick it in your wallet. Go shopping without having to guess.

Remember, live longer and healthier.

Live 100!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Yogurt, the Immune Booster?

A new study provides strong evidence that yogurt can enhance immunity, particularly among seniors.

Investigators in New Zealand and St. Johns, Canada, compared two groups of volunteers age 60 and older. For six weeks, participants drank either plain milk or milk laced with yogurt cultures.
By the end of the study and for several weeks after, blood tests revealed that the yogurt group had stronger immunity (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 3/00)
An earlier trial from the University of California at Davis also confirmed the immune-boosting benefits of yogurt. In that study, researchers found that eating yogurt daily results in a four-fold increase in the body's production of gamma-interferon, a substance believed to enhance immune function.

The Friendly Bacteria

Yogurt, which is simply milk that has been curdled by the addition of "friendly" bacteria, has long been advocated as a health food, primarily for its digestive benefits. It contains "good" bacteria, called probiotics, that help keep disease-causing organisms in the bowel in check. What's more, the friendly bacteria help the body break down foods, synthesize vitamins, and process hormones such as estrogen. They may possibly even prevent or treat a number of illnesses, including ulcers, colon cancer, and vaginal yeast infections.

For the greatest punch, be sure to buy yogurts that contain live, active cultures. In addition, the fresher the better: As yogurt ages, the probiotic count declines. To get the biggest bacteria boost, choose nonfat or low-fat yogurt with an expiration date far in the future.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Joint Pain - Take NSAID or Glucosamine?

Glucosamine sulfate has been in the news. Some claiming it bunk and some proving it effective. What does research show? Glucosamine is more effective in providing long term pain relief as compared to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID's). This particular study is attached below.

Glucosamine sulfate aids in cartilage rebuilding. NSAID's decrease inflammation and have been shown to inhibit cartilage formation. Long term benefit is definitely going to be providing nutrients allowing your joints to recover. Decreasing inflammation is important but removing the cause of inflammation is more important. Obviously not all causes can be removed but multitudes indeed can be stopped.

Taking plain glucosamine sulfate is useful. If one wants to completely rebuild a joint properly, the aggravating factors must be addressed. This is where your physician comes in handy. Have them properly diagnose and educate you on what the cause of your condition is - not only the name of the condition - what caused it?

If you have joint pain, please consult with a trusted physician and learn about the cause of your condition.

Inedia’s Live 100 is here to help provide useful information and offers Glucosamine Sulfate for those who are in need of joint pain relief.

Live 100

Monday, December 19, 2005

Plastic food containers linked to breast cancer

Lately, researchers have found plastic harms unborn boys' future fertility.
Now they've shown that it is linked to breast cancer. Scientist can do
countless studies and research on plastic and its harmful effects; but the point
is that plastic is harmful. Use glass or stainless steel. Remain
healthy. This change in lifestyle habit can improve your life - and your loved
one's lives as well.

Read the full article at : "

Live 100

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Antiperspirant and Breast Cancer: Linked?

The information below is taken from the FDA newsletter:

"FDA is aware of concerns that antiperspirant use -- in conjunction with underarm shaving -- may be associated with increased risk of developing breast cancer. FDA continues to search scientific literature for studies examining this possible adverse drug effect. Unfortunately, there are many publications that discuss the issue but very few studies in which data have been collected and analyzed. Overall, the studies that contain data are inconclusive in determining whether antiperspirants, in any way, contribute to the development of breast cancer. FDA hopes that definitive studies exploring breast cancer incidence and antiperspirant use will be conducted in the near future."

The issue is the aluminimum found in antiperspirants. Given this fact, numerous companies in the beauty industry are shifting away from adding aluminum and other potentially harmful ingredients to their products.

Why wait for solid proof that aluminum is causing breast cancer - especially as there are alternatives. Visit your health store, pharmacy or even quality supermarket. There you will find aluminum free deodorants.

Yet if one is in a stressful job and sweating all the time a safe anti-perspirant may be necessary.

For more antiperspirant information, visit the full article on the FDA website.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Welcome to "Live 100 years"

This blog is designed for anybody that cares about their health, nutrition, beauty and well-being.

Here I will post extensive information about health conditions and diseases, health advice and why nutritional supplements and "Natural Health" can help you fight and prevent many diseases.

I believe that Natural Health is a positive alternative to cure or prevent diseases. Natural health is an eclectic self-care system of natural therapies concerned with building and restoring health and wellnes by working with the natural recuperative powers of the human body and the immune system through natural products.