Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Liver Cleanse

Cleansing is not to be taken lightly.
As this liver cleanse protocol is pretty intense, it is advised you to speak with your physician about your intentions. Not all people can do a cleanse like this. If you are weak, emaciated or working hard physically, do not do this cleanse. If you have a medical condition, definitely speak with your physician.

Here it is:

Liver and Bowel Cleanse

Purpose: To revitalize and heal the body through detoxification of the liver and bowel. Detoxification is necessary as we inhabit a toxic environment and consume toxic foods. We are plagued with food additives, flavorings, colors, preservatives, artificial sugars and pesticides. Daily stress pollutes our mind and body as well.

The Detoxification Program....

Daily: Upon waking in the morning, have a cup of warm filtered water with 1-2 Tspn lemon juice. Fresh is best if you can obtain it. This is cleansing to the bowel and liver.

Take 5 minutes to take some deep, slow abdominal breathing in a quiet setting. It is best to breathe inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. While doing this, let all muscles relax. use this opportunity to put intention and purpose into your day. Only positive thoughts during this time. If your nose is clogged, you make practice jalneti with a neti pot and salt. [Jalneti is a type of sinus irrigation and a link is below which will provide more information.]

Drink 8 cups of filtered water daily, drink 3 cups of a detoxifying tea per day (such as dandelion, burdock, clover, asparagus). To encourage elimination through the skin, try a dry brush massage after your shower or a hot therapeutic peat bath. A regular sauna or massage would be helpful as deep tissue work and deep heat mobilize fat soluble toxins.

Obviously, consume only organic grains, vegetables, fruits and pure filtered water. If cannot afford or obtain organic foods, wash with Fruit and Vegetable Wash found at your local health store.

Ensure you’re detoxifying from all organs of elimination: skin, kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines.

Sleep and rest are essential during this time of cleansing and healing. Not only should the physical body cleanse, but the mind should as well. Imagine how polluted our minds our due to television, ads, news, traffic and political issues.

Exercise should be limited to walking during this period. This is essential. If one attempts too physical of exercise, the body consumes its own proteins causing muscle loss and organ destruction. Sun salutations may be practiced each morning to stretch and warm the body. Sun salutations are described in Yoga Basics

It is likely that a toxic headache will occur. If this happens, take antioxidants. Vitamin C works well. Also drink, drink, drink, drink. Your body will mobilize toxins from all over your body so it is essential that your support this with fluids and kidney herbs.

Each day eliminates more and more foods until only fluids remain. This professional cleanse is for those who are serious about cleansing. If you would like to modify it, do so. This can be done by practicing Day 1 through Day 3 or however you desire. Day 1 and 2 should be practiced however for any form of cleanse to occur.

Day 1: Eliminate all sweets, caffeine, refined foods (junk food, white flour, fast food) and red meat. Eliminate watching the news and reading the paper. News is mainly negative and these emotions are not needed. This day is the hardest. If you find yourself consuming one of these foods, that is fine. Try the next day. Do not go to the second day until day one is accomplished successfully.
Take 1 serving of BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 1 serving BioCleanse Capsules
Take 1 peat bath
Take 2 servings Asparagus capsules or Asparagus Tea (am/pm)

Day 2: Eliminate all beans, nuts, dairy, eggs, chicken and oils. This day is easier to accomplish than day two!Take 1 serving of BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 1 serving BioCleanse CapsulesTake 2 servings Asparagus capsules or Asparagus Tea (am/pm)

Day 3: Eliminate grains except white whole grain rice. Eat lots of cooked fruits and vegetables. Cooked vegetables easier to digest than raw.
Take 1 serving of BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 1 serving BioCleanse Capsules
Take 1 peat bath
Take 2 servings Asparagus capsules or Asparagus Tea (am/pm)

Day 4: Eliminate starchy vegetables, fish. Continue to eat more cooked vegetables. Stick to herbs for spicing dishes rather than salt.
Take 1 serving of BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 1 serving BioCleanse Capsules
Take 2 servings Asparagus capsules or Asparagus Tea (am/pm)

Day 5: Eliminate white rice. Love those vegetables, fruits and pure broths! Ensure to eat some liver foods: beets, artichokes, onions, carrots, dandelion root. Dandelion leaf is helpful to detox the kidneys. Add 1 tsp of Psyllium husk powder along with 1 T of Betonite clay to 6 oz of dilute pure juice (no sugars added). Stir and drink quickly. Follow with 8 oz water. The psyllium and clay binds toxins and moves them through the bowel for elimination. If you are able to obtain a suspended betonite clay and psyllium preparation from a health store, use this. It is much easier to drink! Remember to eat, eat, eat, plan ahead and bring food and water (or quality organic juice without sugar) with you everywhere so you do not find yourself hungry and eating a bite of your friends greasy hamburger.
Take 1 serving BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 2 servings BioCleanse Capsules
Take 1 peat bath
Take 2 servings Asparagus extract capsules (am/pm)

Do 1 organic coffee enema. [2 c. organic coffee, 2 cups water]. before using coffee enema, use a normal filtered warm water and salt enema to prepare then repeat using the coffee. Add to enema bag at body temperature. lay on right side. retain fluid as long as possible. this stimulates the liver. If you don’t want to do an enema – skip it.

Day 6: Eliminate all solid food. Have as many broths and vegetable juices and diluted pure fruit juices as you like. No need to repeat psyllium and clay. Your body is loving you for all the hard work you are doing! If you feel well and strong, you may desire to extend this liquid only portion for another 2 days. Remember – no strenuous activity, only walking and sun salutations.
Take 2 servings of BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 2 servings BioCleanse Capsules
Take 2 servings Asparagus extract capsules (am/pm)

Day 7: Time to add food back in! Have some solid fruits and vegetables. This step must be done properly. Do not add whole foods back in as this shocks the digestive system and constipation arrives. If you find yourself desiring whole foods, snack on carrots or whole apples. The best fruit to break the fast with: Watermelon. Make sure that all melons are eaten alone from other foods as they interrupt digestion of other foods.
Take 1 serving of BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 2 servings BioCleanse Capsules
Take 2 servings Asparagus extract capsules (am/pm)Take 1 peat bath

Day 8: Add in starchy vegetables and whole grain white rice. Remember – do not consume too much food or eat whole foods. Hang on. Breaking the fast properly is more important to detoxification than the first week. Plan and take your foods with you everywhere.
Take 1 serving of BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 2 servings BioCleanse Capsules
Take 2 servings Asparagus extract capsules (am/pm)

Day 9: Add in other whole grains.
Take 1 serving of BioCleanse Functional Food twice daily and 2 servings BioCleanse Capsules
Take 2 servings Asparagus extract capsules (am/pm)Take 1 peat bath

Day 10: Add in fish or chicken and oils. Use organic only meat. Add in beans, seeds and nuts.
Take 2 servings Asparagus extract capsules (am/pm)

You did it! Now is the opportune time to make opportune lifestyle and dietary changes. Perhaps you want to stop caffeinated beverages. Keep in tune to your body. If you feel queasy after eating egg, soy, wheat, peanuts or tomatoes, it is likely that a food allergy or sensitivity exists.

Tips for a smooth liver cleanse:

  • Try a fruit smoothie.
  • Organic food only is preferable (see our entry below on safe fruits and veggies)
  • Bring food with you at all time
  • Maintain hydration at all times.
  • Take Vitamin C if feeling a toxic headache
  • Do not exercise. Only walk
  • Steam vegetables – do not add directly to water. This removes beneficial vitamins.
  • Do not peel vegetables.
  • Cleansing partner – don’t do it alone if you can help it!
  • Remove all tempting foods from your house before you begin – give them away or toss.
  • Do not eat out or order in.
  • Take a night out on the town and bring your tea and snacks to a café or coffee house if you must. This is supposed to be a quiet time without noise and stimulants.
  • If you live with roommates or a loved one, have them join you or respect your decision to detox. You need all the support you can get.
  • Continue peat baths for total of 21 applications for a complete detoxification. You may substitute peat baths with a sauna if you prefer. Remember to do sauna or peat bath every other day. Please read all peat bath instructions

Helpful products for liver cleanse:

  • Peat bath
  • Chlorine water purifiers for shower, bath and drinking
  • Vitamin C and other antioxidants
  • Enema bag
  • Colloidal betonite with psyllium
  • Herbal teas
  • Neti pot and salt
  • Asparagus Extract
  • Books: Yoga Basics, How to Meditate, Science of Breath
  • Movies: Comedies as laughter is the best medicine.
  • Candles

Feeling after liver cleanse:

  • no morning breath
  • easy to rise in morning and overall more energy throughout the day
  • no cravings
  • no desire for big meals or processed foods

Word of Caution:

Do not do this full liver and bowel cleanse if you are weak and thin. Do not do this cleanse if you have night sweats. Advise your physician that you are intending to cleanse and bring this paper with you. You may have heard about liver and gall bladder flushes with olive oil and lemon juice. This is not advised. A gall stone may get trapped and cause an emergency situation. Do not exercise or work physically during this cleanse. Drink fluids and eat plenty of food even if it is in juice form. If you ever feel too weak or not well, consult your physician. Please tell you physician your intention to cleanse so they can support you.

Ensure that you do not go back to eating processed foods once again. It is easy to do. I recommend educating yourself on proper nutrition. Some useful books: Diet and Nutrition and Transition to Vegetarianism If you find yourself chowing on some ice cream a month after the cleanse, no worries! Eating should not be a job - it should be enjoyable.

It is not necessary to become a vegetarian and I do not intend to force that upon you. I am not a vegetarian either. I tried it for 2 years and it did not work for me.

You are one of few individuals who are able to accomplish a successful professional detoxification protocol. Nice work. You will feel on top of the world when you are done!

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your physician before taking any supplement or abiding by any information herein.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lower Cholesterol naturally - alternatives to Statin drugs

Huge topic. I can write a book on this but best not yet! Two more years of med school yet and by then I'll be even more versed in how to lower cholesterol naturally.

First: What is cholesterol?
According to Stedman's Medical Dictionary, cholesterol is "the most abundant steroid in animal tissues, especially in bile and gall stones, and present in food, especially rich in animal fats, circulates in plasma complexed to proteins of various densities and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atheroma formation in arteries."

What is pathogenesis of atheroma? It is the beginning stage of atherosclerosis which is the building of lipid [cholesterol] plaques within the structure of arteries. These plaques narrow the vessel wall thereby limiting the flow of blood. Limiting the flow of blood causes turbulence which causes further deposition of plaque. The slowed speed of blood through the arteries helps lay down more plaque as well.

Ways to lower cholesterol naturally:

Exercise: damn. How many times do you have to hear it - everyone says it. Because it works better than any drug out there. Why does it work? Simple biochemistry and physiology. Exercise requires energy. Energy comes from sugars, fats and proteins. When the sugars and proteins are burned, fats must be converted into useable forms of energy. The liver steps up by making good cholesterol, HDL. HDL goes around and picks up bad cholesterol, LDL. It converts this into useable energy. So, by exercising, your energy requirements increase thereby lowering cholesterol naturally. Exercise 30 minutes a day as often as you can in a week. Try one day a week and build up. You'll become addicted to it. Better that than statins.

Eat soluble fiber: Where can you find that? In beans and whole grains. The FDA's page on fiber is not too shabby. Fruits and vegetables contain insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber actually binds to cholesterol removing it from your body. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stools making you more regular - which is extremely vital as well.

Limit animal fat foods: damn again. Even Stedman's Medical Dictionary said cholesterol is the most abundant steroid in animal tissues. They didn't say plant tissues. I'm not saying avoid it completely. Just keep an eye on it - don't chomp down endless roast beef sandwhiches with mayo and four kinds of cheese.

Inositol: This is time-released niacin in the no-flush form. Niacin is a main player in cellular metabolism. If one is low in niacin, then the energy reactions do not go forward. If they do not go forward, lipids accumulate which is directly tied to high levels of choleterol. A study on time-released niacin shows its effectiveness. The study I found used pharmaceutical time-released niacin but I believe these two are very similar - with the natural form being superior. The bottom line of the study: "The results show that niacin ER [extended release] produces a beneficial effect on lipoprotein subclasses, specifically decreasing the more atherogenic small, dense LDL particles and enhancing the cardioprotective large HDL particles." Remember what I said about bad LDL and good HDL? The inositol sounds pretty good now doesn't it?

Red Yeast Rice: This is what the pharmaceutical companies make some statin drugs from - directly! So why not take it in its natural state? It works quite well. It works by limiting the cholesterol reaction from going forward. This means that cholesterol's production is slowed down thereby lowering cholesterol naturally. I have found a great research article on PubMed for Red Yeast Rice. The research was done by the Center for Human Nutrition and is not biased by a natural supplement company. Here is the study: Cholesterol-lowering effects of a proprietary Chinese red-yeast-rice dietary supplement.

Policosanol: This is sugar wax. Sound safe? It is. It does not turn off the cholesterol forming reaction as strongly as statin drugs. Our bodies need some cholesterol formed. Without it, numerous hormones would not be made and we would be dead. Thus, it is better to moderately limit production rather than severly limit. Policosanol has also shown to increase the levels of HDL. Do statin drugs do this? No. There is a good study on this that I found on PubMed. You'll notice it is not a study made by a natural supplement company or with biased interests. Here it is: Comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of policosanol with atorvastatin in elderly patients with type II hypercholesterolaemia

Bio Lipotrol: This natural cholesterol lowering supplement is made by Biogenesis. Bio Lipotrol has Red Yeast Rice, Inositol, Policosanol and Guggal Gum extract. I work for Biogenesis and have preceptored with Dr David Wood. I have visited with physician after physician that have used Bio Lipotrol and the results are seen within a couple weeks. Now this doesn't mean you can sit on your couch eating hamburgers and pizza while popping Bio Lipotrol capsules. I have already stated that exercise is the best medicine - along with the limitation of animal fats and an increase in soluble fiber. I did not know about Bio Lipotrol until a classmate kept buying it. I found her in the hall one day and asked her what it is. She told me it is working very well on her grandmother's high cholesterol levels. Then I became more interested. The benefits of being in med school - you find what works and what doesn't. You can find Bio Lipotrol by Biogenesis here.

What are the dangers of Statin drugs?

I don't know all of the dangers but I know one that is not often addressed. Statin drugs give the false impression that the one taking them does not have to be proactive in lowering cholesterol. If a drug is lowering cholesterol without them doing anything, why not chomp on fatty foods? I'll tell you why. Statin drugs limit the production of cholesterol. They do not limit the intake of cholesterol. You do.

Also - statin drugs seriously limit the production of Coenzyme Q10. This is a major energy source for the human heart and electron transport chain. So if you are on statin drugs, take CoQ10. I believe statin drugs also limit the conversion of active Vitamin D. This I need to check on but it makes sense if following the reactions down from HMG-CoA, which is the limiting step in cholesterol synthesis.

If you want to lower cholesterol naturally, these steps will no doubt help you. I recommend having a sit-down chat with your physician. Most docs will listen to you and be supportive and knowledgable about this arena. If not, find a licensed and qualified naturopathic physician who will listen to you.

This information is not telling you to stop taking your statin drugs. It is merely information. Do not stop your statin drugs without consulting with your physician. Only then, under their direction, stop the meds if you implement other means.

If you are not on statin drugs and you don't have money to see a doctor, these steps may help you lower cholestrol naturally. But as I am not a doctor yet, I am not prescribing any of this information to you. It is up to you.

Live in health, life 100 years.

Monday, February 26, 2007

How to keep your brain healthy? Use it

Using your brain is the best way to keep it healthy.

Why? A working brain has increased blood flow. Increased blood flow brings oxygen, nutrients and removes waste products. As your brain cells need oxygen to fully function, using your brain is a great way to increase its oxygen content.

Studies have shown that Alzhemier's is minimized by people who continuely exercise their brain. I'll locate some when I get a chance.

So exercise your brain to keep it healthy!

Breathe deeply while reading a book on astrophysics. If that will put you to sleep, try listening to language tapes while driving in your car.

Does TV work? Unless you're watching Jeapordy or trying to solve the case with Dr House, I don't think so.

Of course, one must eat healthy as well for proper brain health. But let's take one step at a time!

For now, pick up a great book and try to learn something new. If your partner tells you to get up, tell them you're exercising!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Tired? Do Contrast Hydrotherapy in the Shower

Waking up tired and expecting to be revived in minutes does not seem realistic; especially for those who aren't addicted to the most common drug: caffeine.

Want to wake up without caffeine? Or just wake up in general?

Take a Contrast Shower. That will do it. Not only will it wake you up, but it will wake others in the house as you let out a wail once the cold water hits you.

It's not that bad.

How did I stumble across this crazy natural treatment for fatigue and lethary? It was prescribed to me by my naturopathic doctor years ago. I did it and it worked amazingly.

Who cannot take a contrast shower? If you are asthmatic, have active autoimmune disease, inflammation, cardiovascular issues, pregnant, temperature insensitive, weak feeling or otherwise do not feel that you should, do not take a contrast shower. Seek the advice of your physician if you have any questions about the safety of this procedure. It is pretty intense!

How does one take a contrast shower:
  • Drag out of bed
  • Get into the shower and turn the water as hot as you like. Hotter the better as the blood flow is stronger - obviously don't burn yourself. Hot water for about 3 minutes.
  • You may wash during this time - may as well as you're likely late to work.
  • At the 3 minute mark, I turn the water up higher for a brief moment until I'm just begging for a cool down. Then turn the nob.
  • Turn the shower all the way to cold for 30 seconds
  • Then turn it back to as hot as you can for another 3 minutes.
  • Then repeat cold for 30 seconds
  • Then hot for 3 minutes
  • Then end with cold for 30 seconds.
  • Basically 3 sets of 3 minutes hot and 30 seconds cold.

That's it! You're done! How do you think it sounds? You going to do it? ;)
Let me say a bit more.

When you get really hot water on you for 3 minutes, you do crave cold. I recommend that you have something colorful in the shower to stare at while you're getting blasted with cold water. Reminds me of the tropics. Or close your eyes while in the cold water part and imagine you're walking down the beach gazing at palm trees.

An easy way to ease into the cold part is to only put your head into the water. Once your head has adjusted, let the water go down your back. Ease into it. You'll get it.
When you finish with cold for the last time, you end up extremely hot and sweating. This is a good sign that you did the procedure correctly. Why do you sweat? Your body does not want you cold. When ending with cold for 30 seconds, your surface temperature gets cold because the blood rushes away. As soon as you stop the cold, your blood comes screaming back in to warm you. This sudden rush of blood makes you hot.

The trick is not keeping the cold on for too long and making sure you have the hot water on long enough. If you have the cold water on for say 1 minute and hot water on for 1 minute, you're going to be cold. So make sure you do the 3 sets of 3 minutes hot and 30 seconds cold.
If you want, do what I do - just do one set. I don't have time every day for a 10 minute procedure so I cut it short. I still feel super charged afterwards.

Enjoy it! It really does make you feel refreshed, full of energy and hot as heck after you are done.

I'll get into the mechanics of hot cold showers and also why they are beneficial - besides just feeling good afterwards.

An important note that needs to be addressed is what hot water does to chlorine. Chlorine is a gas and when hot becomes very volatile. Chlorine is a lung-irritant and destroys proteins. Proteins are everywhere - your hair, eyes, skin, inside you. I say inside you as one typical shower in chlorinated water is equivalent to drinking 8 cups of chlorinated water. If you are asthmatic, have acne, winter skin, dry eyes, dandruff, eczema or other skin conditions,

Friday, February 23, 2007

Rheumatoid Arthritis or Just Arthritis in General?

Patient after patient with Rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis or or syndromeXblah arthritis all have one thing in common: They hurt. They are in pain. They typically only go one direction: worse. The meds they are on may help temporarily relieve pain and stiffness. Then after that they are put on more severe drugs - such as methotrexate which is horrific.
Steroids are far from the answer and may cause a severe joint problem called avascular necrosis - even after one dose. This is documented.

So what the hell is one supposed to do then for rheumatoid arthritis or other arthritis conditions.
One thing. Find what is causing the inflammation. Is it food? Is it overeating? Is it heavy metal toxicities? Is it a nutrient imbalance? Is it leaky gut or intestinal permeability? Is it stress?

Accorindg to Dr Goldberg who authored the following paragraph:

"What is the single most important dietetic factor in causing Rheumatic Disease?There are multiple dietary factors that may be responsible, and they will differ greatly from person to person. If I had to pick one single factor, it would be the usage of refined carbohydrates and overeating. An excess of even natural carbohydrates can be a potent contributing factor in some people. Food allergies are also a contributing factor in many patients. Some patients have eaten so much in the way of refined carbohydrate or excess carbohydrate overall over a number of years that they have thrown off their insulin/glucagon balance leading to an imbalance of eicosanoids with resulting lowered immunity and increased inflammatory responses."

An attempt to translate what Dr Golberg said:
  • Sugar is inflammatory -> thus sugar causes inflammation.
  • Inflammation may cause intestinal permeability -> intestinal permeability may develop numerous food allergens.
  • Daily intake of food allergens cause further long term inflammation
  • Long term inflammation may initiate autoimmune disease as the immune system is hyperactive.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.
  • Remove food allergens.
  • Restore intestinal health.
  • These reduce inflammation.
  • Reduced inflammation leads to a quiet immune system.
  • Quiet immune system leads to dormancy of autoimmune disease.Simple isn't it? The concept is. Changing your lifestyle is not. However, if you were committed to it and followed through with it, your life may change significantly.

I find his website useful and he may prove useful to some patients.
See what you think: The Goldberg Clinic: Chronic Disease Reversal

Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Resource of Nutrient Values in Foods!

This resource is of great quality and excellent nutritional information. It's by the USDA.
From what I have seen, I am impressed.You can quickly view which foods are the highest in your selected nutrient. So magnesium - buckwheat flour! I Would have never thought. Check out the USDA National Nutrient Database .
Related to that site is this resource:Food & Nutrition Information CenterBookmark them.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Depression Causes a Higher Cost of Lost Productive Time Among US Workers

Cost of Lost Productive Time at Work Among US Workers With Depression:

Evidence consistently indicates that depression has adversely affected work productivity with work absence and reduced performance while at work in the US workforce. Estimates of the cost impact in lost labor time in the US workforce, however, are scarce and dated.

Accordig to the American Productivity Audit (conducted August 1, 2001–July 31, 2002) between May 20 and July 11, 2002, excess lost productive time (LPT) costs from depression were derived as the difference in LPT among individuals with depression minus the expected LPT in the absence of depression projected to the US workforce.
Workers with depression reported significantly more total health-related LPT than those without depression 81% of the LPT costs are explained by reduced performance while at work.

Major depression accounts for 48% of the LPT among those with depression, again with a majority of the cost explained by reduced performance while at work. Self-reported use of antidepressants in the previous 12 months among those with depression was low and the mean reported treatment effectiveness was only moderate. Extrapolation of these survey results and self-reported annual incomes to the population of US workers suggests that US workers with depression employed in the previous week cost employers an estimated $44 billion per year in LPT, an excess of $31 billion per year compared with peers without depression. This estimate does not include labor costs associated with short- and long-term disability.

A majority of the LPT costs that employers face from employee depression is invisible and explained by reduced performance while at work. Use of treatments for depression appears to be relatively low. The combined LPT burden among those with depression and the low level of treatment suggests that there may be cost-effective opportunities for improving depression-related outcomes in the US workforce.