More than one-thousand genetic mutations linked to cancer have been found.
A research group in the United Kingdom has identified more than one-thousand genetic mutations that give room to abnormal cell growth. The astonishing discovery has been a big surprise even for the researches who even recognize that the number of genetic alterations is greater than the one they were expecting.
The researcher's study at Welcomed Trust Sanger Institute was focused on the genes of kinase protein since this protein works as a trigger inside some cells in order to establish sometimes an abnormal behavior and growing model.
It shouldn't be seen as negative the fact that DNA defects are more frequent in human cells than previously thought to be. Researches said that scientist know more now about the early signs in a cell that produce cancer and which genes are responsible.
Researches believe that the discovery will open doors to new therapies due to more deep knowledge about cancer characteristics. The study adds new concepts in the way cancer works. Based on the researches genes are split between two categories known as "drivers" and "passengers". The first category, the drivers, help to develop tumors. However; there are an important number of alterations in our DNA that go into the vehicle don't drive it, they are the "passengers". Fortunately, the number of "passengers" is greater than the number of "drivers'.
Tracing the tails have given name to this classification, which have found over 120 drivers and more than them where unknown. The challenge now is to differentiate between "drivers" and "passengers".
More than 500 genes have been studied under the relationship with 200 different types of cancer. Some of the genes studied had shown the links with specific tumors. For example, the BRAF gene is modified in more than 60% of the Maligna Melanoma (skin cancer).
This observation has produced in the last years potential drugs for these treatments. Some of them are already tested. One evident success of the research with the kinase protein is the development of the drug Imatinib who revolutionized the treatment of myeloid leukemia which was an incurable disease five years ago. Even though better knowledge of cancer biology will help us to fight the disease more efficiently, it is not easy to distinguish if all genetic changes and genetic modifications make the cell more invasive.
Inside each mutation there is a hierarchy, the mutation at the top of the chain is always the most important and it must be attacked in first place because the rest might be part of all the changes provoked by the first one.